Monday, July 15, 2013

First email home...
Hello Family!!!
Wow, I don't even know where to begin! That is crazy about Morgan, maybe she really wanted to see me before I left! And meredith to! At least I can see lots of pictures of her!
There is SO much I can talk about, first of all, I tried to read all of you e-mails and I only have 25 minutes left on the computer AHH! But we have another 1/2 hour later on in the day, so i'll send out the mail letter now and go from there! Besides being in Temple I have never felt the spirit strongly for so long at a time! It is great so see so many missionaries just like you walking around EVERYWHERE! So My comp. Is Sister Flanders. She is fom Atlanta, Georgia and she took a year at BYU so she knows the provo area. We are pretty similar and get along well which is very good! I'll repeat what I wrote in the letters I sent, but she is going to Houston as well. We have another sister companionship that are going to Houston, I knew them from facebook before! Sister Laws and Sister Ririe, then we have 6 elders going to everett washington...So meredith you told me to look out for Sister Holt, what do you know, she is one of my main teachers so I spend 3-4 hours with her every day! She is so sweet, she thinks its a sign that she is my teacher and she said that you are one of her fav. families when she was on her mission!
I can believe that I have already taught 4 30+ minute long discussions! I am glad there is an MTC because I have learned so much in just this short week of being here, I am not totally ready for the field but I have one more week which will be good and I need to make the most of it. One thing...nat, dad, and jeff probably know this. Lessons WILL NOT I repeat WILL NOT go as planned! Which can be good, as long as you are in tune with the spirit and following what it tells you to say you will teach the investigator exactly what they need to hear! So the first three lessons we taught a teacher here that was acting. Yesterday when we taught her, afterwords she said the me and my companion said some things that will actually help in her in her real life which is great to hear! The huge thing not is Teach People Not Lessons. So not only do you need to have the lessons memorized and scriptures to go with it, but after you meet your investigator for a while and find their needs, you have to teach by the spirit and you will most likey teach not a ton of things you planned. That has been the hardest for do you prepare! I guess it just show me that it will come through more practice and the investigatior will much more likely feel the spirit if you are telling them specific things that they need to hear!
So the food isn't as bad as I thouht it would be, sometimes it is interesting but that is just preparing me for what I will be eating at members homes while I am in the field ;)
EVERY day I see so many people from High School and even a few from college! I have seen Jordan, Elder Oldroad almost everyday since our class rooms are in the same building. He leaves this afternnoon
Before I forget, We leave the MTC this next wednesday July 17, we are taking the shuttle at 2:30am! Ahh! I don't have my Itenirary with me, Ill write a letter at the end of the week, but our flight leaves at around 6 or 6:30 to Dallas. Then we have a 3 hour wait until we fly into Houston, so Ill probably plan on calling the house or cell phone between 10-12. My estimated return date is Jan. 14, 2015, seems like a LONG time but considering how fast this week has flown, I will be home shortly!
I got a few blisters, but I am used to them by now, but my tape and moleskin has helped!
We only have 3-4 50 minute gym times everyweek, which is ok, I wish we had more but with only being in here for 2 weeks it is kind of hard. So there are only 6 bunks per room, with very little room! The 4 sisters that were with us left for the D.C South mission this morning and we get four more this afternoon.
Its funny how only after 1 week, your district already starts to feel like best friends! Maybe because we spend every breathing minutes together besides bedtime! I have written in my journal and taken a picture every far! Yeah! Well my time is almost up...Im going to try to get this picure thing to work, and later on today depending on how much time I have Ill try to write a bit more!
 Good Bye! I love all y'all!

Sister Bonner

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